Basketballs and a bunch of updates

So, dribbled soccer balls (futbol, for those non-American-English natives) are great for chains of enemies above you, but we still needed a counterpart for those threats below you. So what else gets dribbled? Basketballs. I've added the basketball as a power up. It should show up roughly when the soccer balls/footballs start to, at about the same frequency; and its behavior is similar except that you can bounce it off the bottom of the screen like a floor.

I've also set up levels to progress routinely from one region to another lately. The time per region has increased to about 90 seconds, and player death resets you to the beginning of the last region (or the beginning of the game, if you're on the first region.) This also resets the clock to the appropriate point, so it should also affect enemy and power up spawns.

I'll probably be making the timer visible, on-screen, in the near future. However, these additional regions should feel like an achievement in reaching them.

Lastly, I also doubled the memory pool for explosions and sparkles, and tuned down the amount of glittering per chunk of bling. It was getting a little out of hand.

Everybody have fun!

Files 15 MB
Nov 05, 2020
shoodemup_linux.tar.gz 13 MB
Nov 05, 2020 Play in browser
Nov 05, 2020

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